About grainjar

about grainjar banner

Our mission

Grainjar is the industry leading cereal company where you can buy your favorite healthy cereal in BULK which will last you for weeks! We are committed to producing and selling ethicallly sourced local ingredients and disregard the use of plastic for ALL of our packagings! Our mission is to carefully curate and deliver to you the most delicious and healthy cereal you can find on the market - ethically sourced of course!


sustainable packaging
Sustainable Packaging


ethically-sourced ingredients
Ethically-sourced Ingredients


natural ingredients
Natural Ingredients


bulk packaging
Bulk Packaging

Your impact

plastic bottle

Repurposed 1,000+ plastic containers

plastic bag

Saved 5,000+ plastic bags

spray bottle

Cut down on plastic packaging


Helped reduce carbon footprint

Meet the team

Meet our wonderful UX/UI designers!

Our team is working around the clock to provide you with the most delicious and healthy cereal you can find on the market - ethically sourced of course!

team picture